Download eF Core Migrations using CLI - Entity Framework

Firebase Realtime Database is one of them. Registry mechanic s with key. Factories are service classes that instantiate non-injectable classes, that is, models that represent a database entity.

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Active 2 years, 5 months ago. Free WinForms Code Generator. In this post, we'll explore creating a Database-First model using an EDMX designer file.


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The Entity Framework does not provide access to the connection open and section where the SQL is sent to the server, hence it is currently impossibile to provide retry logic around this area. N gage 2.0 cracked. Broader information on EF Core planning can be found in the EF Core roadmap.

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In this post we saw how to view the SQL statements generated by Entity Framework. Entity Framework Core offers a code-based approach for dealing with changes in schema: migrations - for instance when we want to add additional column to existing table in the database. Follow these steps: Right-click the Models folder in the Solution Explorer window and select the menu option Add, New Item.

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It is designed to enable developers to create data access applications by programming against a conceptual application model instead of programming directly against a relational storage schema. Lula 3d crack only-reloaded web. Write a query to perform CRUD operations.

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When executed with the FROM clause, CREATE ASYMMETRIC KEY imports a key pair from a file, or imports a public key from an assembly or DLL file. In this approach, you reverse-engineer a model from an existing database, resulting in the generation of an EDMX file that contains the model definition and mapping information. Avg internet security 2020 key till 2020 web.


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Assign function keys autocad sites. Part two I want to complain about is Entity Framework is insensitive to property changes, either through data annotation or through fluent API. At this point the key properties all have default values (null or 0). Add the instance to your context.


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Synchronizing Model and Database in Entity Developer

EF Core 1.1 Add, Attach, Update, and Remove methods. The CategorySalesFor1997 entity is mapped to a view. Entity Type specifies the structure of data within the EDM conceptual model.


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Octane render cinema 4d crack /forum/?download=6678. The tools can also do other functions such as generate entity classes based on the tables in an existing database so that you can use the database with Code First. We will be building RESTful APIs for Movies Database; the APIs will be responsible to connect to the database and get/save/update/delete records to and from the database and return the results back to the client.

Creating Entity Framework Model with Entity Developer

Entity Framework requires each entity to have a key. When EF generates a Model class with the "[HOST] DbContext Generator, " shouldn't it identify the primary key for the class with a [Key. My sql server database table has Guid as primary key (Id) column and default as newid(), when making an insert to the table using entity core, if i dont supply the Id field i would like the insert done with the newid() default generated from the database.


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Such as using a mix of characters and special symbols, not using simple. Framework, data annotation add extra meaning to the data by adding attribute tags. The developer creates a class for the model of the data that will be stored in a database and then Entity Framework uses this model to generate the database and its tables.

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Customers table from Northwind database. A typical workflow for a project requires many database changes and updates. If the value is generated by the database, then EF may assign a temporary value when you add the entity to the context.


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Description: There is a problem using table per type inheritance when listing the contents of the parent table. After enabling and creating migrations there might be a need to initially fill or migrate data in your database. EF Core does not support visual designer for DB model and wizard to create the entity and context classes similar to.

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This tutorial shows how to start with an existing database and quickly create a web application that enables users to interact with the data. Let's start from scratch and create database for a simplest blog. Oracle developers can also use PL/SQL stored procedures, triggers, and sequences with an entity.


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Logging and intercepting database operations in Entity Framework 6. Note. A couple of things to think. I am just getting started with Entity Framework, trying out the "database first" mode.

WPF XAML not seeing custom properties of class

Hello everybody! I've been trying for the past day or so to bind the properties of an object to my window, and I've learned a lot. However, there's one thing I just haven't been able to figure out.
My app connects to a database, and I used Entity Framework to create my model. So far, so good. I also wanted to expand one of the classes it generated, adding two custom properties that return the contents of my fields, formatted in a specific way.
public partial class Persona { [NotMapped] string Telefono { get { return String.Format("{0} {1} {2}", TelefonoPais, TelefonoArea, TelefonoNumero); } } [NotMapped] string CUIT { get { return String.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", CUIT_SinGuiones.Substring(0, 2), CUIT_SinGuiones.Substring(2, 8), CUIT_SinGuiones.Substring(10, 1)); } } } 
That works fine. I also created a class called PersonasCollection (inherits from ObservableCollection), and set the constructor to populate said collection with my table. If I test this class, the items within it (of type Persona) all have my custom properties.
The problem comes when I try to use PersonasCollection in XAML.
I've added
which contains my classes,
which, as far as I understand, will create a new PersonasCollection object during compilation, and
which sets the DataContext for all objects within the grid.
And this works, but only for the original properties generated by EF. If I bind a control to one of the properties I added manually, I get a BindingExpression path error. The app compiles just fine, but those controls I mentioned contain nothing.
I'm stumped. Can anyone give me a hand?
EDIT: Not sure if this is related, but when I open my window in design view, I get an error message saying "No connection string 'InventarioEntities' could be found in the application config file". Again, the app compiles and runs fine.
EDIT 2: If I watch the window's DataContext property using the debugger, I can see that the elements in my collection all contain my custom properties. It must be that the controls aren't being binded properly during compile time.
submitted by ReadersStewPeed to learncsharp


CIG’s Core Tech - Quick Reference Guide - both In-game, In-progress & Futures - Updated Aug 2020

CIG’s Core Tech - Quick Reference Guide - both In-game, In-progress & Futures - Updated Aug 2020

Thought it might be useful to old and new backers to create this post which takes you through some of the key technical challenges CIG has faced and are still facing, including a description of what they are (in layman’s terms where possible). Be prepared, ‘get snacks’ for a long read.
The original post has seen a lot of input from the community, so I would like to just say a big thank you for all your input! Because of this I’d like to make this a running topic, I shall continue to update it as time goes on, whether that be updating the original threads or starting new for visibility and maximum community input (unless a mod wishes to sticky it).
I’d also like to invite any CIG devs to weigh into this post and clarify anything that we may have got wrong, or indeed if they’d like to flesh out any points with any contextual examples, I know they would be greatly appreciated.
Caveat: This information was put together by the community, trawling through CIG videos, dev responses, youtube creators etc so I cannot promise it’s 100% accurate, in chronological order or indeed manages to convey just how difficult these technical challenges are.
64 bit float precision & Camera Relative Rendering – In Game CIG made a move from 32-bit to 64-bit precision within the game engine, as 32-bit limited them on the playable size of the game world. 32-Bit is often used and ok for smaller worlds that span several kilometres. However, CIG clearly had the issue where they needed to provide detail from close up i.e. in your cockpit/ship all the way out to a distant planet and beyond. This of course cannot be faked with a backdrop or boundary in this game, if you think ‘hey I want to go there’ you can.
“Cryengine (and the majority of game engines in general) track position in 32bit floating point precision. The further away from the origin of the map you get, the less and less precise your location becomes. Because of the way floating point precision works, you basically start getting to the point that you can't move an inch at a time anymore. It becomes 2 inches and goes up and up until you're moving 1 foot at a time, and more till you're moving a mile at a time. This causes objects to jitter around all over the place as if it were trying to figure out where they ought to exist, here or there, because no in-between spot exists.
Object location in most engines are rendered in absolute terms. That is, it's exact position away from the origin of the map is what is passed into the renderer, and that's how it gets rendered.
Problem being, GPUs are good at 32bit float precision and FP64 isn't just half the performance of FP32, more like 1/20th or worse so basically unplayable. So how do we get around that?
Well, 32bit is MORE than enough for rendering if the camera is at the origin of the map, but what if the origin of the map was always where the camera is? So that's "camera relative". CIG rewrote the renderer so that when it is time to draw a frame, they translate their absolute FP64 position to FP32 with the camera as the origin. Since this is only used for drawing and not physics, it doesn't cause problems. Everyone is the center of their own rendering world and now our performance isn't hamstrung but we have very accurate sub millimeter precision out to solar system sizes.
Here's a little blip about it in an old monthly report:
The main task being worked on Large World this month was making the rendering Camera Relative: in fact the move to 64 bit required all rendering code to be changed to be relative to the camera and not simply in absolute world coordinates any more.
http://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/14758-Monthly-Studio-Report-May-2015Source Reddit: wkdzel
Physic grids – In Game – Will be iterated on to scaleup Physic grids were implemented to calve up entities in the game world into their own ‘grids’ for them to behave independently from each other, allowing for players to behave as per the grid they are within. For example, a ship orbiting a planet at speed would have its own grid so you could get up walk around inside regardless of whether you were moving in the game world at 1000m/s. In the meantime, a player on a planet could look up and see this ship as they themselves move separately with the rotation of the planet (as they are part of the planet grid).
Bind culling or Serialized Variable Culling – In Game Bind culling was introduced to improve server performance. It works by eliminating the need for the server & network to have to update entities that are far away from the player.
Client - Object Container Streaming – In Game Before OCS was introduced, both the client and server had to track all items at all times, whether it was near you or not. Client-OCS was introduced initially so that only items you interact with/near are streamed into your client, which meant your machine only has to stream in items it needs, thus improving performance. However, the server still has to track everything.
Server-side - Object Container Steaming (SSOCS) – In Game This is the desired state for OCS, it would effectively mean that neither your client nor the server has to keep track of everything in the game which is not being interacted with. For example, an abandoned ship where no players are near i.e. no interaction, is saved in a state until a player or interaction with it takes place, at which point the server would stream these saved states back into the game. An example given by CR was that a player could land on a planet and drop their favorite mug on the ground by a tree. Once that player left, that mug would be saved off and not actively tracked by the server, when the player drew near the server would stream that item back in. The idea behind this is to improve server performance drastically by the servers not having to track all items all the times.
ICache – aka Item Cache – Actively being worked on ICache is a new breed of database being designed to optimize querying of items in a scalable fashion, whilst also using best practice for fault tolerance and recovery. For example, all nodes have their data replicated in the network so even if one goes down a new node can be spun up taking its place ensuring data isn’t lost.
Global Persistence – Actively being worked on Is part of SSOCS, global persistence is the added funtionality being developed to load in and out the state of items. ICache is the data base it queries and thus relies on ICache being implemented first. Here are a few examples that have been given on how Global Persistence touches so many areas of the game. “we can explore gameplay that can permanently or on long term scales modify locations in the game, for example space station damage. Port Olisar could suffer an attack on a shard and it would be damaged for some time until repairs could take place. This would persist even if the serveshard went down as it is no longer just in memory state. There’s a ton more, such as full server recovery after a server crash. People often complain about losing cargo after a server crash, as we can’t get players back into their ships right now after a server crash, unlike a client crash where we lose the state of the server. With global persistence this will be recorded in the shard record it was associated with, so quickly we spin up another instance, it recovers the shard record, then we can use matchmaking to get players back into the shard they just lost connection to, and boom, they’re back in action right where they left off.”
Physical Inventory – Actively being worked on The move to physicalised inventory is to remove the Mary Poppins style bag that has everything in it, no mass or size restriction. It’s not just for realism reasons. By physicalising inventories they themselves become persistent entities with state. Which means they could be left inside a ship or under the base of a tree on a planet, they are no longer arbitrarily tied to the player. Physical inventory requires both ICache and Global persistence above in order to work.
Static Server Meshing - Actively being worked on The idea behind Server Meshing is to move away from a single server as we have it now (with a limited cap of 50 players) by dynamically spinning up and down servers based on the population of an area to allow for as many people in a location as needed. The first intended stage of this is to introduce Static server meshing. This means the game world is served by multiple servers, these servers would be dedicated to run certain parts of the game world. For example, one server for each planet. Each of these servers would communicate with each other and you’d seamlessly move between them as you traversed it. The added step beyond this to implement recovery, i.e. the server looking after Crusader dies, everyone in Crusader would get a 30k, but would be given the option to spawn back into the world just as they left it on a new server which had just spun up in the background (iCache & Global Persistence) All players outside of Crusader would not be impacted.
Dynamic Server Meshing – “Working on it” via proxy of Static Meshing This iterates static meshing to the desired level, no longer do you have servers serving static parts of the game would, instead the system works dynamically to create as many servers as it requires to manage parts of the world determined by the player count and interactivity. Therefore, any object container in the game can theoretically become a server based on the player population. One of the goals is to potentially have a global server (depending on latency across the world) where every player is effectively in the same universe. It works by dynamically spinning up servers and share what’s going on in highly populated areas, relaying that information to each other and back to the client as if it were one giant server. FYI This also helps remove servers from running in areas of the game where no one exists. For example say Port Olisar has 300 players at its location, this may be split up by several servers performing the compute whilst at the same time talking to each other so it appears to the player as if they’re all on one server. Or indeed 2 caps ships with 200 players on each could be handled by several servers. Even giant fleet battles could be split between servers to deal with smaller sections of the larger battle.
Server Meshing is dependent on SSOCS, ICache and Global Persistence, with Static server meshing being the first iteration.
Server to Client actor networking – Actively being worked on This refers to how actions in game like walking forward are shared with other clients. At present when you press the ‘W’ key it's controlled by your client, this information is then sent to the server which then replicates that to all other clients. This has several issues, there can be a noticeable lag between what you do and what the other clients see, whilst also being difficult to manage from an anti-cheat perspective. Therefore Server to Client actor networking aims to take the inputs you create at the client and send them to the Actor Action Handler, these actions are processed together, before being sent to both server and client simultaneously. This will help when facing players on poor connections, whilst also improving interactions with things like the Mobiglass, where you currently see it popping on and off as the server try’s to play catchup with your interaction.
Vulkan Integration – Actively being worked on CIG have decided to move from DX11 to Vulkan, they have opted against DX12 which requires Windows 10 on the user side. Vulkan which is a graphics pipeline and render interface (Part of the Gen12 Renderer rework) which does not require its users to be on Windows 10. Vulkan reportedly has all the same features of DX12 so fidelity shouldn’t be lost by converting.
Subsumption – Actively being worked on This relates to the AI within the game. Subsumption is being implemented to give AI added realism in the verse. It effectively allows for NPC’s to choose which of their actions are top priority and ‘subsume’ or override that the current task should the AI deem they need to.
Zonal Coordinates – In Game “The system that allows CIG to e.g. rotate a planet with tens or hundreds of thousand of entities on it, without lagging the server to death (or have different objects update their position on different frames - which would be freaky :p). Each zone has both a 'world position' (its coordinates in the parent zone), and an Origin (0,0,0) - which are usually the same position. Every object inside a zone now measures it position relative to the Zone Origin, not the global origin. This also means that if the zone moved (e.g. because it rotated), every object inside that zone moved because the position of those objects is calculated from the Zone Origin.“ Source Reddit: logicalChimp
Procedurally Generated Planets “aka Planet Tech v4” – In Game Procedural planet tech was created to speed up and standardise the way planets are created in the verse, using a set of parameters to flesh out a planet, including different biomes. This gets the dev team much of the way there, allowing them to go and place handcrafted points of interest, outposts etc.
Included in the PG Planet tech are also “Spherical Physics Grids (prior to this a Physics grid had to be a flat plane, even if it could move independently of another grid) are the big one, but spherical water levels is another (previously, 'water' was defined as a flat plane across the entire map)” Source Reddit: logicalChimp
Building Blocks UI – Part implementation in game “The new UI Framework and (more importantly, imo) supporting tools that allow anyone to start building placeholder UIs in order to iterate on gameplay designs, etc - instead of having to wait for a UI Team Member to explicitly code up a placeholder UI.” Source Reddit: logicalChimp
Inner Thought – In Game “This is more than just providing a text description other than just <>, it's implementing support for multiple interactions on a single entity. Prior to Inner Thought, an entity could only have a single interaction at any given time - the '<>' prompt could be contextual, but if you wanted multiple event choices, you had to use separate entities - and all choices would just be labelled '<>' Source Reddit: logicalChimp
Network Serialised Variables – In Game “A massive reworking of how individual entities serialise their data across the network. Previously, the serialisation code had to be hand-written specifically for each entity - resulting in a lot of boilerplate copy/paste, and the errors and inconsistencies that come with that. NSV extracted that to a utility class, and implemented a set of standard Macro Tags to 'mark up' individual properties that need to be serialised - greatly reducing development effort for new entities, and ensuring code consistency in serialisation (which was a ripe source of bugs previously)” Source Reddit: logicalChimp
Render to Texture – In Game “The ability to place a 'virtual' camera elsewhere in the gameworld, and render it to a texture that could then be mapped e.g. to a screen or MFD. This is obviously used for FoIP calls, and similar, but CIG have said they use it in other scenarios too” Source Reddit: logicalChimp
“Just FYI, they have even better than render to texture. They have render to hologram! So they can literally render a holographic image of another location live. For example, you could have a 3d hologram on a ship's bridge of the battle happening around that ship, and it would be captured live not a representative fake version with bespoke pieces.
Here is an example. The character is being rendered in his actual office on the space station he's located on, but his hologram is projected to this scene in the briefing room of the Idris.Source Reddit: Bluegobln
Unified Animation – In Game “Unifying the first-person and third-person animations, so that what you see your character doing is what everyone sees your character doing. This is an approach rarely used in gaming (outside Arma, I think) due to the difficulty in aligning the different viewpoints (among other reasons), but has the benefit of only needing to develop a single animation per action, instead of two. It also means no more 'generic placeholder animations' because the developer didn't want to take the time to create all the required third-person animations.... now, if you reload, everyone will see you reload. If you pull the pin on a grenade, everyone will see you pull the pin, and so on.” Source Reddit: logicalChimp
Physics Engine refactor – Actively being worked on “to remove the 4-thread limit and convert it to a job-based system that should scale to all available CPU cores” Source Reddit: logicalChimp
Entity Component system – In Game “instead of hardcoding all functionality into a component (including lots of copy/paste), CIG built their own component / compositing framework so that Entities can be formed from a composite of 'standard' components, and only the unique functionality actually needs to be coded from scratch” Source Reddit: logicalChimp
Signed Distance Fields – Part implementation in game “to be honest, I don't fully understand this one.... I know what it does, but don't fully understand how it does it. What it does is provide a much faster way to calculate the shape of an object (e.g. a ship) so that effects and particles can interact with it... such as particles bouncing off the ship (instead of passing through, as they used to), and is used for the new re-entry effects, and (eventually) the replacement shield tech.” Source Reddit: logicalChimp
Damage Shader v2 “the replacement damage system that allows damage to handled by a single shader, instead of having to hand-craft all the damage states as was done originally. Iirc this saved something like 200mb of GPU ram per damage state for the Hornet, massively reducing the performance impact of damaged ships.” Source Reddit: logicalChimp
Entity Ownership Hierarchy / Entity Aggregates – In Game “CryEngine typically spawns new objects on the server then streams the data to the client - but typical CryEngine 'objects' are only one entity, or perhaps a small handful of entities - and thus fitted in a single network packet. CIG ships are so large and complex that the spawn order doesn't fit in a single message - and due to messages arriving out of Order, ships would fail to spawn correctly, or would spawn with e.g. missing components (no power plant, or no targeting computer, etc). So CIG had to completely change how CryEngine spawned new entities and streamed that data to the clients. Iirc it was also required before they could even make the Starfarer spawn at all (due to the ship size and complexity)” Source Reddit: logicalChimp
Entity Ownership Hierarchy is keeping track of which entities need to be spawned in which order via the Entity Ownership Hierarchy. It keeps track when these dynamic groups of entities are formed or disbanded. Entities that should spawn together are called Entity Aggregates. The networking is done by creating serialized Entity Spawn Batches which are send to the client to let it know which entities to load, then compute.” Source Reddit: UN0BTANIUM
Megamap – In Game “it’s a way of organizing things and making use of object container streaming to allow us to play any game mode (such as Star Marine, Arena Commander, Theaters of War, or Universe) without a full loading screen. Just like how when we move about the different planets and moons in Universe with no loading screen, the same tech that allows that can enable us to enter these other versions of gameplay without having to load a whole new set of data and content the hard way.” Source Reddit: Bluegobln
Quantum – Actively being worked on Quantum is the behind-the-scenes system that will allow Star Citizen devs to create and manage a realistic and dynamic universe through in-world actions by NPCs. Quantum has access to all backend services and actively manipulates game data in real-time to adjust to the needs of the star system in question.
Quantum works through observing the actions of hundreds of thousands of lightweight NPCs called Quanta. Each Quanta has its own desires, skills, jobs, and inventory, but without the overhead of things like pathfinding, animations, or even geometry. Quanta represents the rich background world of Star Citizen that the player is a part of, and Quantum will use these Quanta to create contextually appropriate NPCs or events for the player to interact with.
The system allows us to add resources and locations of interest that will spur Quanta to move about the star system, complete tasks, and affect those actions by adjusting variables (ex. resource refinery time, wages at factories). Quanta will be making the same choices as players make, choosing between jobs like mining, security, or even piracy. .Like players, Quanta will also generate mission content, such as an NPC stranded after a pirate attack who will call for your help with a service beacon.
The real magic with Quantum is that it’s not just an NPC simulator–player actions will feed back into the system to influence what kinds of jobs, trades, and actions all the Quanta choose to take. Player choices and activity are all fed back to Quantum to influence the behavior of the world real-time and make the world a living, reactive place.
With ambitions as big as Star Citizen, Quantum is the tool that will keep the development team ahead of the game and focused on balancing the universe so that it’s always full of engaging content and still internally consistent. We’re thrilled to finally be taking this step that we’ve been planning for a long time.
Quanta focuses on the chain-reactions in the economy and making logical scenarios & events manifest in the game.
Star Citizen is too vast a game for developers to keep up with all the things that players will be doing, which is why we’re building Quantum to do it for us.
Quantum will focus on whichever economies are impacting the player experience, and expand as the game expands. There is none of the Dynamic Quantum Simulation stuff in though 3.9, it will start to appear in a future patch.” Source Reddit: BoardGamer http://www.boredgamer.co.uk/2020/04/24/star-citizens-quantum-universe-simulation/
submitted by TrickyRicky85 to starcitizen